Roxicodone Abuse and Treatment

Written by Jonathan Strum

& Medically Reviewed by Benjamin Caleb Williams, RN

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Last updated: 04/05/2023

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Last Updated - 04/05/2023

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Roxicodone, a brand name for the drug oxycodone, is an opioid medication used to treat moderate to severe pain. While Roxicodone can be very useful in helping those who need it for medical purposes, the drug can also cause a high and be abused. This can lead to addiction and dependence when the drug is used for more than a few days.

What Is Roxicodone?

Roxicodone is a powerful opioid that works by stimulating opioid receptors in the brain. Opioid receptors suppress brain activity when stimulated. This decreases the perception of pain but also slows bowel movements, breathing and other processes in the body. Opioid receptors can also release endorphins when stimulated, causing a euphoric feeling referred to as a “high.”

Roxicodone may sometimes be misspelled as “roxycodone” or referred to as “roxy.” Other slang terms for Roxicodone include:

  • Roxy Shorts
  • Oxy
  • Hillbilly heroin
  • Buttons
  • O.C.
  • Greens
  • Whites
  • Cotton

Slang terms for Roxicodone may vary based on region, and there are terms that are specific to certain areas.

What Does Roxicodone Look Like?

Roxicodone is a specific brand of oxycodone, meaning it has a single manufacturer. This limits how Roxicodone will appear. Depending on the dose, there are only three ways that the drug will look:

  • 5 mg: Round, white pill with the imprint 54 582 on it.
  • 15 mg: Round, green pill with the imprint 54 710 on it.
  • 30 mg: Round, blue pill with the imprint 54 199 on it.

Other brands or forms of oxycodone (the drug in Roxicodone) may have other appearances.

Roxicodone vs. Oxycodone

Roxicodone and oxycodone are the same things but with different names. Roxicodone is a brand name owned by a company and used to market the medicine, while oxycodone is the generic name for the drug in Roxicodone. Oxycodone is used in other medicines besides Roxicodone and can go by many other brand names. These brand names can vary based on who is selling it and what medicines the drug is combined with.

Roxicodone Abuse and Addiction

Roxicodone is a type of opioid, a class of drugs that is very prone to abuse. Opioids like Roxicodone can cause a high when used in high doses or for prolonged periods of time. This can quickly cause addiction to develop, even when Roxicodone is taken as prescribe

Addiction occurs because the endorphins that Roxicodone releases in the brain are designed to encourage the repetition of behaviors. In many situations, the natural release of endorphins is helpful. However, when they are artificially released by a chemical like Roxicodone, they will encourage the use of that chemical again. This causes a cycle where Roxicodone use encourages even more Roxicodone use, leading to addiction.

Signs of Roxicodone Addiction

Signs of a Roxicodone addiction can primarily be seen in yourself by recognizing how you think about Roxicodone. In others, behavioral signs will be the main indicator that a Roxicodone addiction has developed. Signs of a Roxicodone addiction include:

  • Thinking about Roxicodone when you are not using it
  • Using Roxicodone even though you know it is having a negative effect
  • Using Roxicodone even though you don’t want to
  • Finding it difficult to stop or cut back on Roxicodone use
  • Craving Roxicodone when you stop using it
  • Spending more time alone
  • Changing groups of friends
  • Having increased relationship problems and conflicts
  • Becoming more secretive
  • Having decreased performance at work or school
  • Developing new legal or financial problems
  • Having symptoms of Roxicodone use frequently
  • Developing withdrawal symptoms when not using Roxicodone

Withdrawal From Roxicodone

Roxicodone withdrawal can be a sign that you are using too much Roxicodone. When someone continually uses Roxicodone, their brain will change how sensitive its opioid receptors are to accommodate for the constant presence of Roxicodone. When Roxicodone is suddenly stopped, the sensitivity of the opioid receptors is wrong. This causes withdrawal symptoms to occur until the brain can readjust the sensitivity of these receptors.

Roxicodone withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Pain, especially in the joints
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Problems sleeping
  • Sweating
  • Increased tearing
  • Yawning
  • Goosebumps
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

While Roxicodone withdrawal is rarely dangerous, dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea can be serious. Someone experiencing severe Roxicodone withdrawal symptoms should seek medical help.

Roxicodone Overdose

A Roxicodone overdose is a serious medical emergency. Over 75,000 people die each year in the United States from overdosing on opioids like Roxicodone. Opioids slow and stop breathing during an overdose while also rendering the person unconscious. This makes opioid overdoses very dangerous.

The symptoms of a Roxicodone overdose can include:

  • Being difficult or impossible to arouse
  • Slow or absent breathing
  • Blueness around the mouth or nail beds
  • Snoring sounds when breathing
  • Pale, clammy skin

If someone is overdosing on Roxicodone, you should immediately administer Narcan (naloxone) if available and call 911. If they are not breathing, you should administer CPR until help arrives. Someone overdosing on opioids should always be treated by health care professionals, as it is possible for overdose symptoms to come back after the Narcan wears off.

Treatment for Roxicodone Abuse and Addiction in Colorado

Because opioid overdoses are so dangerous, Roxicodone addiction should be treated very seriously. No one ever plans to overdose on opioids, yet tens of thousands of people do every year. This serious risk can only be avoided through effective opioid addiction treatment.

If you or someone you love is struggling with a Roxicodone addiction, The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake can help. Contact us today to learn more about Roxicodone addiction treatment programs that can work well for your situation.


U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Oxycodone.” MedlinePlus, February 15, 2021. Accessed July 10, 2022.

Sadiq, Nazia M.; Dice, Travis J.; Mead, Therese. “Oxycodone.” StatPearls, March 21, 2022. Accessed July 10, 2022. “Roxicodone Pill Images.” June 27, 2022. Accessed July 10, 2022.

United States Drug Enforcement Administration. “Oxycodone.” Accessed July 10, 2022.

U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Drug Use and Addiction.” MedlinePlus, November 15, 2019. Accessed July 10, 2022.

U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Opiate and opioid withdrawal.” MedlinePlus, May 10, 2020. Accessed July 10, 2022.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Drug Overdose Deaths in the U.S. Top 100,000 Annually.” November 17, 2021. Accessed July 10, 2022.

U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Opioid Overdose.” MedlinePlus, February 27, 2019. Accessed July 10, 2022.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). “Slang Terms and Code Words: A Reference […]forcement Personnel.” July 2018. Accessed July 10, 2022.


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